Monday, June 16, 2008

Lonesome afternoon in Homebush

Preface: I am not a huge fan of these things, but will do my best to encourage and entertain.

Howdy All!

Spending the morning and early afternoon on the computer, I figured I would get out and do a plyos session as I have yet to partake. I went to the website, which is well constructed, and printed out Owen's session and was on my way. Got dressed into my Philipines jersey from Beach Worlds and was pretty pumped to remember the highlights of a successful campaign. Put some tunes on and headed on my way, yogging to the field. I set up the session with a 10 meter mark and 15 meter mark, as all the plyos distance on owen's session said to do for 10m and run out the last 5m, and it looked way too easy, so decided to overhaul the distances and improv them. I believe it turned into a 25 meter and 35 meter, respectively. I ran around and did some dynamic warming up, high knees, butt kicks, side to side, grapevine, and so forth, and then got into it. Before we get into the nuts and bolts, I figured I would make my Advanced English lit teacher proud and remember SOAPS (Setting, Occasion, Audience, Perspective, I forget the last S) and therefore enlighten you to my surroundings.

I was next to the beautiful lake, dreary due to rain and the sunless sky, invaded by precipitous creatures looking to occupy all that is blue, but nonetheless magnificent for its serenity and fortitude. The park was damp and lackluster without the rays penetrating the once illustrious sky. A man was flying a kite giving a calm, warm feel to the whole event. Trees surrounding the land, occupying the perimeter of the park, giving me a terrestrial island paradise with which to train.

So onto the workout. It went as follows:
A1 X 2 for 25m, run through 10m, jog back
A2 X 2 for 25m, run through 10m, jog back
B1 X 2 for 25m, run through 10m, jog back
B2 X 2 for 25m, run through 10m, jog back

Motorbike X 2 for 35m, twice with each leg
Bunny hops X 2 for 25m, jog back
Ponies X 5 - 15 reps

Zig Zag bounds X 2 for 35m, jog back

Burpies X 3 - 10 reps with 25m run out

Cool down - stretch, then jog the perimeter of the park, repeat till all stretching was done.

It was good...

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