Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tonight's training

Did 90 mins of drills at Albert Park with 12 other Worlds folk.

Then 80 throws with Mama: 40 throw and go, 20 hucks, 20 attack-a-random-floating-pass

Home to do strength session. Had some complex components: strength work followed by plyo set.
1. 10 x single leg squats, 10 x ponies, repeat
2. 10 x pushups with 1 leg on fitball, 10 x quick clap pushies against couch, repeat
3. 10 x Russian twists on fitball with toolbox as weight, 10 x superman with cans of chopped tomatoes, repeat
4. 10 x kneeling, slow roll fitball fwd and back w/ forearms
5. 45 sec wall squat with back against fitball, 12 x max vert leap, repeat
6. 10 x inverted flies on fitball, repeat, with toolbox in one hand, bag of tins in other. The tins were: 3 x chopped tomatoes, 1 x coconut milk, 1 x cannelini beans, 1 x beetroot, 1 x champignons (small), 1 x condensed milk.

Stretch for 20 minutes, then ate the chopped tomatoes as part of a pasta meal, while watching the 2004 dvd and scouting.

carn Dingos!

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