Monday, July 14, 2008

running around

Went for a run on Saturday. A few hill sprints on a cold / cool winter night. It wasn’t quite 3 degrees, maybe closer to 12.

I ran around the corner to the nearby steep hill that leads down to the river. The hill is about 100m long with a steep middle section of about 50m. The first section got the legs working, then I hit a speed bump, after which the incline became steeper. I focussed on leg speed and getting the arms up to keep the momentum going. The last 25m flattened out a bit, but it was the toughest part, as I struggled to keep the same cadence to the end. I used a few cue words at the top to make the jog down a bit easier.

10 runs and 30 minutes later I trundled back home.

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