Wednesday, July 16, 2008

mako pete timae


How we all goin. Now I would like to draw upon my trainin and focus the last few months with an analogy. A 3 way analogy in fact of mako my dog, pete my climbin mates dog and my self. Now these 3 creatures are interelated in that they are all dogs of sorts and have a drive that is unrelenting.
I will not bore you will trainin stats. But i will give you an insight to these 3 DOGS.

Mako: I dont think there is anything out there that loves frisbee more than mako, human or animal. He will froth on the disc for hrs on end givin the oppotunity. He loves the block, he will always bring it back. His actions speak louder than his words. He cares little if he is tired, or its cooking outside, he not fased if blood is pissin out his mouth from the disc. He is an unamotional plastic wanting machine. He also doesnt have any balls.

Pete: Now my climbin mates dog is one of those raggid, matty, two different coloured eyed border collies that loves to root. He has no balls like mako but that doesnt stop him trying to hump everything. He gives it to my mates cats, (one even lets him.) Or any dog or bitch he is into. If you are two leggid with long hair and on the short side he doesnt mind givin to you too. My mates young son laughs, "he is huggin me!" as you try to drag pete off his shoulders. He even tried on another mate of ours who has long dread locks when he was asleep on the couch drunk one night.
Its like he feel into a cauldron of viagra when he was a pup or somethin. He has no fear. Pete will run up to a huge german sheppard, go for the backdoor 'ello boys' only to get savaged , mauled, and pinned to the ground. 5 minutes later he will try again.

Timae: Now much like both these dogs, their drive for various motivations, this dog. A DINGO dog. has trained and focused with an intensity to try and rival the other 2 dogs. If i get a little down, or knocked back, that will not stop me. I will have a primal focus that will fuel me. Nothing else matters for me over the next couple of weeks. I will achieve my goal of never giving up till worlds is done and finished. I dont need motivation, my drive comes from within.

That is how i have trained, that is how i will play for my country.
The lessons to be learnt from 1 or all 3 of these dogs. Do what you love, no matter what. When you start to feel tired, or think of holding back think about the 3 dogs. They will always go hard, even if 2 of them dont have any balls.


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